Reykjahlíð Airport (MVA)

Informatie over airport - Reykjahlíð Airport, IJsland

Beschrijving Waarde
(International Air Transport Association-luchthavencode)
Type Kleine luchthaven
Lokale luchthavencode -
GPS-luchthavencode BIRL
Lengtegraad 65.6557998657227
Latitude -16.9181003570557

Foto's in de buurt van Reykjahlíð Airport, IJsland

**Namafjall...ISLAND...Tor zur Hölle !** Gateway to Hell ! Kirche am Myvatnsee - Island Norðurland eystra © Sunpixx Colors of Iceland © Sunpixx Myvatn
Grótagjá Myvatn Islande, un petit lac d'eau chaude d'un bleu laiteux produit par la géothermie, on s'y baigne l'été comme l'hiver Myvatn Lake Caballo Islandés, caminante implacable
cracked soil View from Hverfjall Crater Dimmuburgir - Iceland Hverfjall Crater & Mývatn Lake pseudocràters
LAKE MYVATN VIEW Myvatn steam Lake Mývatn Lac Myvatn

Foto's van Reykjahlíð Airport